Hello! :) It's Thursday 10th May, which means discovering photographers, developing film in the darkroom, and reading Across The Universe, my current obsession. The weather's been.. less than happy today, however I was instantly cheered when I discovered a hidden gem...
Lara Jade
Lara Jade is a fashion, portrait and commercial photographer currently working worldwide. She combines whimsical, dreamy moods with a sense of romanticism, fantasy and occasional darkness. Her photos capture my dream summer - sun, sea and beautiful dresses! The clothes all her models wear are beyond wonderful - and each photograph expresses personality perfectly. Some of my favourites are below - I wish I could've included her whole portfolio...

Not a lot of other news here, except if you live near Exeter in Devon, I'm playing an 18+ free gig at the North Bridge Inn with my band tomorrow - I'd love to see you there :) I'm off now, to revise, eat Angel's Delight and go back to reading Across The Universe. (more about that later!)
Peas x

(all photos copyright to lara jade photography)
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